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The                               System.
The Simple Idea - Buy a feeder and enjoy all the wild birds.
The result - Squirrels.
       We thought it would be great to add a feeder to our yard hoping it would bring wild birds. What we got was an escalating battle with our Eastern Grey Squirrels. It all started with the purchase of one of the most expensive "Squirrel Proof" feeders we could find. It looked great in the store with plenty of reviews and an impressive in-store video display.  To hang the feeder we purchased a shepherd's hook as recommended by our salesperson. Once home we set everything up, installed our shepherds hook and hung our feeder. It was just a few minutes before our first birds appeared, moments later came a squirrel.  It was not long before our shepherd's hook was climbed and the feeder was under attack.  We were confident (because it was expensive) our feeder would fend off this assault. Our squirrel worked the math and the feeder was quickly outsmarted. A battle had begun and we were unprepared. We tried several different tactics, we greased the pole, added a slinky and a baffle.  For a time these added measures seemed to work but again the squirrel worked the math and the feeder was empty. The feeder was not the only problem, the shepherd's hook was weak and bending under the weight of the large feeder. When the weather turned, the wet ground would soften and the wind would push everything over. It seemed like no matter how hard we tried the squirrels were besting us, eating all of the seed and scaring off the birds.
We had to rethink our approach.
What we discovered:
No feeder is squirrel proof - removing access is the key.


With common materials and some machining, we created
the first                                 System
       We developed a sturdy weather-resistant feeding station that discourages climbing using simple materials commonly found at your local store.  We were able to keep our squirrels from reaching the feeder so any feeder, squirrel proof or not can be used and protected.  We placed our system so that is was away from structures and trees and we trimmed back brush and branches.  We set up 24-hour video surveillance and watched as squirrels worked and tested our design.
We provide live coverage of our feeding systems as proof of concept.
No Squirrels - see for yourself.
Squirrels, chipmunks, racoon, and opossum often visit our feeders,
to date, we are critter-free.
We have created a free parts list and build plan available here.
We make and offer an adapter that ties our system together. 
The                             DIY Adapters are hand made in the U.S.
We hope you share our success - Feed Birds not Squirrels.
The                                       System. 

24 Hour Squirrelveillance

 Wild Bird Feeding Stations.

Learn more about Wild Birds and how you can help.

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© 2020 SedSafe Feeding Systems

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